About member registration
The registration confirmation email did not arrive
You cannot register an account if the registration confirmation email does not arrive.
If you did not receive the registration confirmation email, please try the following and resend the email via Resend confirmation email.
docomo Users
- 1. Email Settings → Advanced Settings/Cancellation → Receive/Reject Settings → Receive Settings → Enter bandmaid.tokyo in the input field of the domains or addresses that you want to receive emails from separately → Register
au Users
- 1. au one homepage → au Customer Support → Customers who have trouble with spam → To Spam Filter Settings → Spam Filter Settings → Designated Reception List Settings → Enable/Edit List → Enter bandmaid.tokyo in the Designated Reception List → Register
- 2. au one homepage → au Customer Support → Customers who have trouble with spam → To Spam Filter Settings → Spam Filter Settings → Designated Reception List Settings → Spoofing/Email Forwarding Permissions → Enter bandmaid.tokyo in the registration number field → Register
- 3. au one homepage → au Customer Support → Customers who have trouble with spam → To Spam Filter Settings → Spam Filter Settings → If the [Spoofing regulation] individual setting is set to (high) or (medium), change the setting to (low) or Not Set.
SoftBank Users
- 1. Email Button → Email/PC Email Settings → Email Address Settings → Spam/Email Blocking Settings → Individual Settings → Receive and Reject/Reject Settings → Enter bandmaid.tokyo in the address field → Select Backward Match → Register
In case that you cannot resolve your trouble even if you read the above, please contact us from the Inquiry form below.
Inquiry form
It is a necessary ID for using our site.
Available for free to everyone.
Please see About my account for details.
In case that you cannot resolve your trouble even if you read the above, please contact us from the Inquiry form below.
Inquiry form
I forgot my password
Reset your password Reset your password here.
In case that you cannot resolve your trouble even if you read the above, please contact us from the Inquiry form below.
Inquiry form
I want to register, but I have not received the confirmation email
There is a possibility of the following, so please check.
• It has been automatically separated or denied as “spam mail”
< If you are using a PC email address >
Depending on the current settings for your email service, email software, and anti-virus software, they may recognize emails from us as "spam mail" and block them. Please check all of your inboxes, including your spam mail inbox.
< If you are using a mobile email address >
Your cellphone company’s spam blocking function or domain-specific reception may be blocking our emails.
To receive emails from bandmaid.tokyo, please update your domain-specific reception settings to authorize our emails, then visit here to resend your confirmation of registration email.
※ Regarding email reception settings: even if you have not changed any settings yourself, some carriers (cell phone companies) have high-security default settings. Please make sure to check all of the above before contacting us.
• The email address you entered was wrong
Please check your email address and Register a new account once more.
In case that you cannot resolve your trouble even if you read the above, please contact us from the Inquiry form below.
Inquiry form